Alright, alright, I'm not quitting dance team. I'm in too deep, I get it.
Although no one was pestering me regarding that, which would theoretically justify my saying that, I felt as if I needed to clear the air, whack away this hazy green fog which I call my undecided decisions. And thus with that statement I have done so!
My writing style is getting really complicated and old-timey. lol
The "guy" came today and installed the high-speed internet. My dad was pleased at his, as well as his companies knowledge of the phonetic alphabet when he spelled something for his workmate over the phone through the code. I think I restrained myself from staring at the quite good looking man's body as he ducked under the table moreso than my brother and father would have had the "guy" been a woman. But knowing that they would have, had this been the case, I didn't deprive myself completely. Is this the result of spending time with the male gender? No, I'm not sexist. (And yes I know you did not say that, but let's run with it and assume you did.) In fact, I think I have more male friends than I do female. Wait wasn't that my point to begin with? I think I have what's called a half-baked-catch-22!
Um what else is in the news? Let's see here, brainstorming for general happenings but keeping it random and unrelated...I can't decide if I am undeniably amazing at this or so horrible that I shouldn't even try. Let's go with the latter.
And to close with a randomized quote. A quote which you must find for yourself where it is from if you really do care. It is loosely related to this post only when thought of in a general sense, but not a particular sense. So don't over-analyze or quote me on that fact.
"We're talking about the issues but we're keeping it funky."
The absentmindedness and obvious disorder of this post cannot and should not be held against me in the court of law. If so inclined to pursue your distaste for this entry by action of legal potesting then please comment with request of further explanation of my odd behavior on this evening before making any rash decisions. I am an unformally trained suidical negotiator. Anything you do or say could be skewed by me to make you have suicidal thoughts, be warned. Those responses of which I may give you shall not be quoted either. Unless you really really want to.
1 comment:
Hey, if dance team isn't turning your crank anymore, if it's taking away time and energy from the things you really want to be doing then there's no shame in quitting. It's not like that door's closed forever, right? Go focus on the things you want to focus on right now instead, don't worry about pressure from other areas.
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