Wednesday, June 17, 2009


this summer I will:
  • finish that book I keep renewing
  • check out other books and read them also
  • buy my school books for fall
  • go running and play soccer with my boyfriend
  • make him do yoga
  • do my laundry and not wear the same outfit for several days
  • clean my room (and keep it in that state)
  • swim a lot
  • see many movies
  • continue blogging
  • have frequent outings and get-togethers with friends both long-lost and current
  • remember to practice viola
  • learn new songs on guitar
  • see live music performances
  • continue self taught music theory lessons with the internet and my keyboard
  • construct daisy chains in the park and watch clouds go by while I lie in the grass
  • have quality time with friends and family
  • eat something other than top ramen on a regular basis
  • not get dehydrated
  • draw something, anything
  • do the WASL testing I missed when I was sick that one day
  • write something that I don't post on this blog
  • camp, maybe
  • take a dance class
  • picnics
  • throw birthday party
The school year is over. My final grades are decent. Well, more than decent. Actually, they are really really good. So good, it's going to raise my cumulative high school GPA. Raise it. =) So, good year it was. I am ready to relax for the summer, have my fun, and then start at junior college next fall with the college-in-high-school program. yay. Have a nice summer everyone, I'll keep you posted on my progress on these goals.

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