Saturday, October 4, 2008

self explanitory long sentence

Because of the restricting and concise essay format that my English teacher is insisting on, my only option is to manipulate my writing style to adhere to long, complicated sentences in order to fit all the ideas into my essay that I want to, and which he insists on receiving if he so will give me a good grade.

I feel like Charles Dickens with all these commas and semicolons and m dashes. For I must only have two "commentary sentences" proceeding a "concrete detail". And to do this I must dehydrate my wording which kills my writing style and "voice"! (Which English teachers go on and on and on about.) Also, I have much more than two ideas connected to each "concrete detail" because I am just deep and amazing in that way!

So how do I tolerate this format? I cram as much as I can into English language and be so annoyingly concise and deep and sickeningly detailed and never-endingly descriptive that he'll BEG me to use more sentences for the following essay! It'll work right? Or will I just become so adapted to the style that I take it up permanently? *shivers* Please tell me if I start doing this!!!

I may post it here when I finish, which shall be quite soon. I think it's turning out pretty well considering the circumstances.

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