When I was 6 years old, apparently I kept a diary. Not every day, but I have quite a few entries. After quite a bit of deciphering of childish handwriting and sentence structure I have gotten to a pretty good understanding of what I meant by everything I wrote. Not necessarily why or how, but in most cases what. I do not really feel like scanning them and letting you decipher it for yourself, so I will give you my best translation. Things unsure of in translation in brackets, while present-day comments are in the pretty color.
December 14, 1999
When the birds go
flying, you go to bed
and when they go
sometimes you go to
Jon's house is up.
They helped us.
The secret part [is to go]
up and up to get there.
There is Jon's house.
Where I love to play.
Animals are wild.
"Very wild"
"Daddy, why are animals wild?"
"Because they are born that way."
On a day like this
I'll be having a picnic
On a day like this
(there are more verses in this song)
This poem is called When I go to school
When I go to school,
everything feels so different
because school gets harder every way.
It is fun for me.
Is it fun for you?
This poem is called When I go to bed
When I go to bed,
I hope to dream
A [?] if I do
Because I love my dreams.
When the birds go
flying, you go to bed
and when they go
sometimes you go to
This is interesting. It's like I have a weird misconception about how things effect each other. I would assume that "when the birds go flying" I would be awake, the birds signifying morning, but not according to this. Was I reflecting on how I never seem to see the birds? Do the birds represent something?...or are they just birds?
December 15, 1999Jon's house is up.
They helped us.
The secret part [is to go]
up and up to get there.
There is Jon's house.
Where I love to play.
I really like this one. Obviously, I have a playmate named Jon, and his parents helped my mother find their house via phone directions. This was my simplistic view of directions...."up". I love it so much.
January 13, 2000Animals are wild.
"Very wild"
"Daddy, why are animals wild?"
"Because they are born that way."
Apparently this is a conversation with my dad. I am not sure who was saying the first dialogue, maybe my dad. I should ask him to see if he recalls telling me this.
January 17, 2000On a day like this
I'll be having a picnic
On a day like this
(there are more verses in this song)
I am pleasantly surprised to see that I wrote songs way back when, I wish I recalled or notated the melody. But ignoring that aspect, I really like the word choice. It not just "today I will" or "yesterday I did" or "someday i should", it's on a day like it. Maybe not today or tomorrow or any day in conceptual knowledge or realistic speculation, just some day, like this.
January 18, 2000This poem is called When I go to school
When I go to school,
everything feels so different
because school gets harder every way.
It is fun for me.
Is it fun for you?
This is a little discombobulated and not much of a poem, but it really shows what I thought about "when I went to school". I admire that in a title of a poem.
January 19, 2000This poem is called When I go to bed
When I go to bed,
I hope to dream
A [?] if I do
Because I love my dreams.
Again this "When I ___" formula of a poem. It's quite interesting and matter-of-fact. I am glad that I hoped to dream, and I wish I knew what that word I could not decipher said.
January 21, 2000
A family's a brother,
a father, a mother,
a sister, a grandma,
a grandpa and
everyone in your family.
Laughter, ho, ho, ho
One day I was drinking some milk and my brother made a funny sound and it came out of my nose.
Today we got to go to Hebrew school.
May 22, 2000
It is time to go to Hebrew school. I do not have a class but my brother does. He knows how to write Hebrew and read Hebrew. It is cool. Well, I do [think that], but my mom and brother do not.
June 16, 2000
A song I made up.
Baby fly into my heart.
Take it out, put it in your hat.
Put the hat on, feel the [?]
You should see me go bad.
All right now, all right now,
I don't know the way to my heart
but you do [a-huh?]
The end.
This is a poem
Summer is coming
The sun in near
Take out your hats
And they'll be blown away.
See the sun shining in the earth.
Will we feel it's heat here next year?
The end.
June 24, 2000
Today I went ice skating. I glided until I landed on my bottom. It was cool. I cried 1 time. I fell on my bottom 7 times--well, around 7 times. I love to skate. [It is] my favorite [thing to do].
The end.
June 30, 2000
The world
Is it good or
is it bad?
The little seed in
the earth.
How does it get to me
When I am not earth?
The end.
Parents are so great. They kept us safe through the years and gave us joy. I'll love it through 7, 12, 2073 and all the days.
The end.
A family's a brother,
a father, a mother,
a sister, a grandma,
a grandpa and
everyone in your family.
Although I did not have a sister, I still included it in the definition of family, so I was more than saying "this is who is in my family", or "you only have a full family in you have these people", I was saying that if you have some of these people, you have a family. The perspective is still in child-form of course, no daughter or son or granddaughter or grandson or niece or nephew in the list, but that is expected.
January 31, 2000Laughter, ho, ho, ho
One day I was drinking some milk and my brother made a funny sound and it came out of my nose.
This was my idea of funny...and it kind of is. When finally I understood what I wrote here I actually did still laugh.
April 10, 2000Today we got to go to Hebrew school.
May 22, 2000
It is time to go to Hebrew school. I do not have a class but my brother does. He knows how to write Hebrew and read Hebrew. It is cool. Well, I do [think that], but my mom and brother do not.
June 16, 2000
A song I made up.
Baby fly into my heart.
Take it out, put it in your hat.
Put the hat on, feel the [?]
You should see me go bad.
All right now, all right now,
I don't know the way to my heart
but you do [a-huh?]
The end.
It seems very Edgar Allan Poe crossed with Britney Spears. And cute how I end with "the end".
June 16, 2000This is a poem
Summer is coming
The sun in near
Take out your hats
And they'll be blown away.
See the sun shining in the earth.
Will we feel it's heat here next year?
The end.
June 24, 2000
Today I went ice skating. I glided until I landed on my bottom. It was cool. I cried 1 time. I fell on my bottom 7 times--well, around 7 times. I love to skate. [It is] my favorite [thing to do].
The end.
June 30, 2000
The world
Is it good or
is it bad?
The little seed in
the earth.
How does it get to me
When I am not earth?
The end.
A profound one... I would love your interpretation.
July 7, 2000Parents are so great. They kept us safe through the years and gave us joy. I'll love it through 7, 12, 2073 and all the days.
The end.
Now, was I prophetically telling the date of my death at 79 years of age or was I just making up a random, arbitrary, far away number to signify a very long time comparable to forever?
Some of them are moving in their simplistic nature. Some of them make no sense and others are so true to someone of that age it is hilarious. I hope you enjoyed the window into my younger self's life, for this is the only way I have to accurately show it to you or to myself. These are not hazy memories, they are explicit ideas directly from my brain then to my brain now, and they are simply fascinating.