Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a favorite painting

Gathering Storm
Lin Onus

I saw the piece at the Seattle Art Museum. Keep in mind that i don't see much art, but of the entire museum, I did find this one the best. In the picture you can see the fish, the water, the seaweed, the trees (upside-down), and through all of it the clouds.
I saw it as seeing the entire world connected, in the same place, yet so distinguished from each other. The ripple in the water from the fish keeps putting my mind back into perspective that most of those things are reflections on the water. It's so peaceful, so ominous, and so capturing all at the same time.

I liked it a lot better before I saw his other works and realized he/she (not sure) uses the upside-down tree reflection numerous times, making this piece less innovative.

I still use it as my desktop background often regardless of that fact.

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