Saturday, August 30, 2008

jazz in extremity

Wednesday I went to the last dance practice of summer. I am to start school in a few days. We have a new assistant coach for the team. She does not know any hip hop, at all.

That's a good thing. She has years of experience in ballet and jazz. I'm hoping to learn a lot of technique from her. And should I ever decide to quit dance team, her studio is only a short bus trip if I wanted to take a beginning jazz course. =)

The stretches and workout we did before learning the combination took it's toll. That day I slept on the floor (having a sleepover with a good friend) and when I woke up most of my muscles ached. That day I managed to do my laundry, but it hurt walking down the stairs. The pain is worth it, and I'll get used to the way I'm using it to dance and it won't hurt later on in the year. Plus I'll look real good doing it. yay.

Unrelated: Funny story, that morning I accidentally flushed the toilet paper spindle down the toilet. Long story short I felt a lot like this guy:

In other jazz news, Friday night I went to see a latin-jazz band for free in a public setting. Some of the drum work was interesting. My impression was that the back up singer played the drums was better, but the lead singer on any sort of percussion got real annoying real fast. It was a relaxing and interesting background music, but I don't think that this genre will catch on in the states. I don't know how it's doing in primarily Spanish speaking countries though.

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