Tuesday, August 5, 2008

little games

Over the years, I have come up with a few games that I play with friends frequently.

The first is called Robot. This game can be played 2 different ways, and can be played with 2-a few players. Player 1 gives player 2 the names of preferably three people (could be more or less) they mutually know. Player 2 has to explain to player 1 which of those three people is most likely to be a robot and give specific reasons. The second way to play Robot is to be in a room of people you all know, or people you don't know (perhaps if you were in a public establishment), and simply ask "Who's the robot?" And the other playmate must say who and why. It is a very entertaining game if the two of you know a lot of the same people. Tip: The people you name can also be celebrities!

The second game, which I just thought of about a week ago is called Hat Department. I have not yet played this, but I encourage you to and tell me what happens. This game is best played in malls or stores that DO NOT sell and hats (or another specific item). Go into the store (with a friend to make it the most fun) and ask someone who works there: "Would you please direct me to your hat department?" They will give you a weird look especially if it a store that only sells hats. There are so many variations of this game. You could be wearing a hat and tell them in some kind of bad fake accent "what kind of a store doesn't sell any hats?" Only one of the two playing the practical joke would wear a hat and the other would say "But you see, I'm in desperate need of a hat!" If they did direct you to their hat section then you could say "No, no, I already saw these hats, I want to see where your hat department is." or "But these are caps, I want hats!" If they say that they don't sell hats, then look at your friend with an odd look and say "What kind of a store doesn't have a hat department??" You could also ask for something completely random that they would not have in that store. Such as asking for spatulas in hot topic, or for a waffle iron in Victoria's secret. Use your imagination, and always, ALWAYS use the word department. I find it hilarious for some reason. Tip: Keep a very serious face the entire time.

This game I did not make up, a friend of mine told me about it, and with the right people, it can entertain for hours on end. We'll call it Title then Movie Give the title of a fake movie to your friend. And they have to describe what happens in that movie. It's very simple and it really takes some brain power.

This game I stole from an episode of 30 rock, which probably did not originally create it. It's called Marry, Kill, Boff. Or the shortened version, MBK. Again with this game, it involves giving the names of people that you and your playmate mutually know, whether they be celebrities, friends, or a random person that you both see at that moment. The other person must say which one of those three they would marry, which they would kill and which they would have sex with if they had to choose between the three. As long as you don't run out of people, the game goes on and on with much enjoyment. Tip: If playing in front of people you would rather not know what you are playing, then simply say the names in order of MBK when giving your answer to your friend. People will have no idea what you are doing.

Share with me your favorite sleepover-type games =) I still play Truth or Dare and Telephone and Rate That Girl/Guy and other stuff too, but I obviously did not make those up.

1 comment:

RealGrouchy said...

I think the best venue for "Hat Department" would be a government office.

"What do you mean the RCMP doesn't have a Hat department? Do they not care about hat-based threats to our national security??"

- RG>