No, no, I did nothing bad. Just to get that idea of your heads you sick perverts. Ok maybe it was just me. If it was then shut up. Sorry I'm a little edgy after I hang out with friends. Well I'd hardly call these people friends...sure we bonded this weekend, making me feel more welcomed, but I don't particularly enjoy their company or would want to hang out with them any other place besides practice. K, enough of the let-downs, let's give you the highlights on the dance team camping trip before I forget what happened. I'll try to make it as chronological as possible.
...One person tent my ass....We arrived at the campsite after a slightly boring drive and started setting up our tents before

dark. My tent was only big enough to fit two people, but no one would believe me because it wasn't a dome tent. I decided I would only sleep in it as a last resort and try to get a place in someone else's because I didn't want to sleep alone on a trip I was supposed to be bonding on, but I set it up anyway. It took a little time to figure out how to keep both sides up as I put the metal steaks in the ground, but I still managed to finish way before everyone else and ended up helping 2 other people set up tents. One was a little confusing...but we had a lot of people there, a lot of time, and a lot of daylight to use to our advantage. Near the end of the camping trip someone actually looked inside my tent and said "Hey that WOULD have fit 3 or 4 people easily!!" Tent shapes are deceiving I suppose.
...Boo!...The night we got there we walked out of the campsite to the highway in the dark to look at the car lights speed by and the stars twinkling in place. As we walked I hooked arms with several girls who were scared out of their wits for barely any reason. There would be a little rustle int he leaves or the coach would throw a rock to make a sound and they would all scream. Annoying? Yes, but I wouldn't want to be alone in the dark either. It was kinda scary.
...Henry Stewart the mouse's funeral was so moving...As we made our lunch a little mousy (and it really was little) went crawling across the floor near my feet. I don't remember if I yelped, but I did pick up my feet so that it didn't "get me" or I wouldn't step on it. If I did yelp it was because everyone else was and people yelling makes me scared unless I'm also yelling. It's human nature, don't fault me. Once things calmed down, the coach picked it up with her sweatshirt and realized it had an injured leg. She thought it was going to die and she made a little home for it in a leaf near a tree. It was dead a day later and we had a small ceremony.
...(English accent) "I swear I thought that was a double scoop!"...We took a walk up the gravel road out of camp to the ice cream shop and I had my fill of Chocolate Espresso ice cream. There was a man and his family eating dinner there that were traveling around the world from England. The single scoops served there were quite large and looked almost like a double. He proclaimed this when he received his single scoop of ice cream to everyone in the small shop, and the girls started being awed by the fact that he had an accent. It sounded more Australian to me, but he did say they just came from Australia, maybe he started slipping into the way they talk slightly? I'm not sure, it was kind of loud in there.
...I felt more like a John McLaughlin/Tyra Banks hybrid than I did Doctor Phil...There has recently been some drama about a girl on the team. And this girl did not go on the camping trip, so the girls were left with their anger and frustration and vastly different ideas to ramble on about. Eventually I took control of the conversation, using accepted therapy devices such as a "talking stick." Nodding and agreeing like the talk show hosts I see, setting questions for everyone to answer individually and arguing like I see on the McLaughlin group. So basically, I have television to thank for this occasion. Well, besides my own philosophy and knack for figuring out what is going on and categorizing emotions. (Both my own and others). They got a bit flustered at me mid-way through for thinking that I thought I was better than they were. At that point I just shut my mouth completely until they really wanted to hear what I had to say. It did take awhile actually for them to realize I had it all figured out, but after I said what I did, all anyone had to say was how much they agreed with each other. I summed up and had a solution to their entire conversation into one sentence after hours of babble and yelling. I'm quite impressed with myself.
...HOLY FUCK THAT'S COLLLLLLLLD...The last day of camp after breakfast we headed out with our 2-person teams for a scavenger hunt. The fact that my team (name: The Insane Squirrels) ended up winning is beside the point. Finding the leaves and rocks and flowers and all that was easy also. It was the clay that was difficult. Across the river were some clay beds which we were supposed to swim over to, and it was freezing in there. If you have ever been in a river I suppose you know, but it was so cold I started hyperventilating when the water level went past my stomach. I got out, discussed it with the coach, and she said that you just had to get used to it. So after a bit of standing waist them shoulder deep in the water, 3 of the girls including myself swam across. At one point some water got in my eyes and I closed them momentarily. When I opened them I realized that the current had brought me down the river further than I had expected in that shirt time and it scared the shit out of me. So I started kicking and stroking with much more force than I had been. The other two girls were on the shore finally and I was like oh shit I'm gonna drown I'm not there yet! I was very scared, it was freezing. Then I realized that I had been swimming for about 3 yards in fairly shallow water, enough to stand up in. And all the worries passed away and I felt that rush that people talk about when they risk their lives. I started walking to where the other girls were on the clay bed, but the clay was so slippery I honestly spent about 3 minutes trying to get over there. I eventually asked for the other girl's hand and she just advised me where to place my foot and I grabbed a hold of a tree branch. Swimming back across I barely remember, it was a lot less scary now that I knew I could do it. But still worrisome because I knew that I was more tired than I had been going across the first time. There were congratulations from the coach and the girls who decided not to go, and I was thoroughly ready for my clay facial.
...MMMMM....Smores...We spent quote a bit of our time on the trip around the camp fire playing games, telling stories, eating, throwing stuff in the fire, roasting things, and talking. I was happy about the smores =) I think that's all I had to say about that.
...R&B? I think not, Jazz is where it's at...On the way home we went into what they referred to as (and I am sure it was) the world's smallest church. It really was small. Anyway I decided to take shot-gun in the car because I rode in the back the way there. Riding in the passenger seat I had complete control of the radio, which was my thought when I jumped in. The girls in the back kept requesting their favorite Rap and R&B stations. They even requested a little alternative rock which I didn't mind, nor did I the techno. And I'm a nice person, when they request it I say sure and switch it, but when the Rap got to me I switched it to my favorite jazz station every now and then. They got kind of tired of it, but it was soothing, which is just what I needed after the long weekend.
...Does anyone have any hand "satinizer"?...It was fun over-all, I can finally tell the identical twins on the team apart from each other. I think that's good. One of them has a lot of funny ideas. She had a dyslexic pronunciation of sanitizer and thought that owls were mythical creatures. Yeah. I feel like I am starting to sink down to their conversation standards, and speaking standards. I don't want to be one of those people who say "like" three times a sentence or seems like a ditz...but I am afraid that I will become that when I start being around these people more and more. Well at least they challenge me dance-wise.
OFF TOPIC ALERT!!!: i think my mom is watching american idol rewind o.O lmao